Wow. So apparently I am just plain terrible at doing things incrementally. -Thesis: I keep thinking it is easier to set aside a week or weekend and try to knock it out chunks at a time. Except that I never have chunks that big, nor do I care to fill them with thesis work. Little by little needs to be my motto. -Working out: you don't just do a 2 hour workout session on Saturday and call yourself fit. I need to carve out 30 minutes a day to dedicate to keeping physically fit if I want to maintain good health. -Spiritual discipline: isn't just something that happens on Sundays. I need to be in the Word by myself everyday as well as with my family everyday. Making God a priority should be easier then I make it. -Writing a blog: all it takes is a little update periodically to be able to look back and see what's been going on and what I've been learning. But I can't do that if I don't write it down in a journal or public space like this. Blast me. Well, in the ...