Today is our baby's due date. Katie and I are on pins and needles waiting to meet this newest member of our family. Katie is aware of every little contraction and twinge, wondering if maybe that is the onset of labor. Or no, maybe that one is! It's a very unique season of advent in the Read household. The doctors gave us a due date of Sept 21 but in all realit y "about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Mark 13:32). So we wait to see the timing that God has picked out for us, knowing that His timing will be perfect, and knowing that the doctors should have just given us a ballpark (late September) time instead of a specific date (it's okay medical staff, we forgive you). All this anticipation has me thinking: what if God gave us a gestational period so that we could better understand how His 2nd coming will be? Here are some similarities that I believe God gave us so that we can bet...