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Showing posts from November, 2013

Daniel vs Discipline--day 2

Today marks the first day I have neglected to run. In all fairness it was a snowy, wet, cold day and Katie had a stuffy nose. We have done a wonderful job staying regular with running every Tuesday and Thursday before getting started for the day and this was the first Tuesday absence. Not bad discipline, not bad. Thursday will host the first annual Friendsgiving Day Race, where we will meet at 8am and run for an hour and then meet back at the house for delicious breakfast foods. That should make up for the voided run today, methinks. In other discipline news... I used to always think that fasting was something you did when you felt led to fast. You fasted when you felt like there was a really important decision to make and you wanted God's guidance for it. Or maybe you fasted to tell God that you really meant something and wanted to show Him somehow. Those were the times I fasted--before getting engaged, before taking the job as worship leader, etc. But after having fasted for ...

The cash experiment

This past week I heard a professor liken God to a bank teller. He said that God cannot stand to be any man's debtor and that when God pays back, He does so quickly and with interest. Now, the analogy obviously has a major flaw in that money isn't ours to begin with but rather God has made us stewards of His money. But let's leave that thought alone for a bit. Supposing that God gave me money to do with as I please and I chose to give some to Him, the analogy would apply that God refuses to be indebted to me. God returns my money with a sizeable interest rate. As a Swedish saying goes, "You shovel to God, God shovels to you; God just has a bigger shovel." Well, as I was listening to this metaphor (which I believe to be true) I felt that God was prompting me to give some money to a single mother in my church. No single mother couldn't use extra cash and help around this time of year (a double negative!). I felt like God was telling me to use cash specific...

Busyness as usual....

The English language is full of weird sayings. "Business as usual," is one of them. I mean, have you ever thought of it? Busy-ness as usual? "Hey Fred! How's it going?" Oh, you know, business as usual. Implying that Fred is usually busy! We don't call our companies "money-makers" or "profit places", no, we call them "businesses." I work at a business place where I take pride in being busy. Sheesh! Now don't get me wrong, it is a wonderful thing to have work and to keep busy while at work. No one would argue that work is a good thing and that people who are not diligent in their work don't deserve fair compensation ( Prov. 22:29 ). But I don't think God intended for us to get SO caught up with busy-ness that we would name our work after it. I think God calls us to work, and then rest, and then work, and then rest. God is not calling us to busyness--that is the Devil's calling. Satan would love to make us...

Every house should wear a hat.

Apparently they don't sell insulation in 24" rolls with backing on it. And apparently using a $35 nail gun for 6 hours will blow a seal. And apparently it takes 2 hours to put up 7 rows of insulation when you have to cut two foot sections to hold the insulation in place. And apparently insulating your entire attic automatically makes it the warmest room in the house. But hey, every house should wear a hat. Insulating your attic is supposed to be a project that pays for itself within the first winter you do it. After spending my off day crawling around on my knees in the dusty, glass filled, coal dust air attic of mine I have full confidence that the benefits will be worth the effort. After all, when you wear a hat, the hat helps trap the heat in your body. The same is supposed to apply to your feet but I don't see how that works with a house.