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Busyness as usual....

The English language is full of weird sayings. "Business as usual," is one of them.

I mean, have you ever thought of it? Busy-ness as usual?
"Hey Fred! How's it going?"
Oh, you know, business as usual.

Implying that Fred is usually busy! We don't call our companies "money-makers" or "profit places", no, we call them "businesses." I work at a business place where I take pride in being busy. Sheesh!

Now don't get me wrong, it is a wonderful thing to have work and to keep busy while at work. No one would argue that work is a good thing and that people who are not diligent in their work don't deserve fair compensation (Prov. 22:29). But I don't think God intended for us to get SO caught up with busy-ness that we would name our work after it.

I think God calls us to work, and then rest, and then work, and then rest. God is not calling us to busyness--that is the Devil's calling. Satan would love to make us so busy that we forget to make time for God and God's Kingdom. Jesus does not want us to be busy, but rather to be diligent in working for Him! I believe there is a powerful difference!

So as you reflect on the extra time you have during Thanksgiving break, remember that it is designed to be rest from work that compels you into a state of diligence, not business.


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