So we got to see The Piano Guys in concert tonight. They were awesome. Some thoughts...
Expression through music.
These guys are 100% expressive when they play. They are as genuinely expressive as any performer of music can be. Through happy/major passages there is a look of pure joy and pleasure on Steve's face. During descending minor passages a furrowed brow crosses his face. They are so connected to the music that their very performance of the music is lyrical.
I so often disconnect myself from the music in my analytical way. I try to understand it, I try to calculate how and why it is making me feel a certain way. It has been years since I just put on an album and listened to it from front to back just for the sake of enjoying music.
I wonder if I do the same thing with Christianity. Do I spend so much time trying to figure out God that I forget to just enjoy Him?
I find myself challenged to soak in music for art's sake and to soak in God just for relationship's sake.
"Every good idea is mine. Every bad one is yours."
Steve said he heard God say this to him when he was worried that he would eventually run out of creative ideas for making videos and songs. What a humbling reminder that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights. My ideas pale in comparison to His. He authors everything good.
If you haven't seen any of their works, check out this video
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