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Blessed to be Lukewarm

Today, Nov 6th, is considered the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. We spent some time praying for our brothers and sisters this morning; my prayer was for peace and comfort and endurance as they run the race. While praying I was reminded that we in America are blessed to not have the same daily persecutions.

Or are we?

Christian believers in Asia are forced to make a decision whether they are in or out. If they are in then they are laying a lot on the line. If they are out then they are safe.

We in America don't have to make that same polarizing decision. We can attend church every once in a while, half-heartedly sing some songs that make us feel kinda good, and drive a car with a Jesus bumper sticker while weaving through traffic. We are blessed to be allowed to be lukewarm Christians. 

Revelation 3:16 "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." It raises the question: who is more blessed? Are Christians who are forced to take a stand for Christ better off (for an eternity) than Christians who have the option of just calling themselves Christians without living it out.

Given the choice between voting for someone who will protect my religious freedom or someone who will make things more difficult to be religious I really don't have a problem either way. Religious freedom is a blessing this great country allows us but comes with its own eternal risks. Persecution is the road Jesus calls us to (John 15:18, Matt 5:10, 1 John 3:13, John 15:19). While I am not eager to usher in religious constraints to America, I also can't help but wonder if it would weed out some "Christians" who really need to decide which side of Rev. 3:16 they are on.

It's a hard truth.


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